Sonntag, 22. April 2012

Spelling and pronunciation/Literumo kaj elparolo

The five vowels of Kweda (a, e, i, o, and u) are pronounced as in Spanish or Finnish. There is neither any distinction in vowel length nor between open and closed e and o.
La kvin vokaloj de Kvedo (a, e, i, o kaj u) estas elparolataj kiel en Esperanto.

As for the consonants, for English speakers the following ones are to be observed:

c as ts or cz in 'czar' (Esperanto: c)
č (alternative writing: cz) – as English and Spanish ch (Esperanto: ĉ)
gn – as ng in 'song' + n; pronunciation as g + n is tolerable (en Esperanto ne ekzistas)
h – always clearly pronounced, also before consonants; pronunciation as Welsh or Scottish ch in "loch", or Spanish j in "viaje", is tolerable (Esperanto: h aŭ ĥ)
j – as English y (Esperanto: j)
ng – as in 'tango' (en Esperanto ne ekzistas)
nk – as in 'link' (en Esperanto ne ekzistas)
qu – as in English (Esperanto: kŭ)
r – trilled, as in Scottish or Spanish (Esperanto: r)
s – always unvoiced, as in 'see' (Esperanto: s) 
š (alternative writing: sz) – as English sh, French/Portuguese ch etc. (Esperanto: ŝ)
w as English w (Esperanto: ŭ)
x – before consonants as ks, before vowels as gz (Esperanto: antaŭ konsonantoj ks, antaŭ vokaloj gz)
z – voiced s, as in English (Esperanto: z)
zz – d + z (only between vowels) (Esperanto: dz)

The letter y is not used in Kweda.
La letero y ne estas uzata in Kvedo.

The main stress is on the first vowel, excepted
a) words beginning with a prefix (which is marked as such by a postponed '): for'getan 'to forget', ex'kuze 'excuse';
b) adjectives ending in -issimi (the doubled s thus rather indicates stress than pronunciation): koldissimi 'cold as ice'.
La akcento trafas la unuan silabon, kun escepto de
a) vortoj kiuj komencas per prefikso (markita kiel tia per poststaranta '): for'getan 'forgesi', ex'kuze 'ekskuzo';
b) adjektivoj kiuj finas per -issimi (la duobligita s do pli indikas akcenton ol prononco): koldissimi 'malvarmega'.

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